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Enabling new beginnings. 
Making dreams come true.

2-Year Mentorship Program

Hope Center Israel provides job training and a 2-year mentorship program that equips survivors with the skills and ongoing support they need to succeed.

Education & Training Course: 3 Month

Vorbereitungskurs für berufliche Eingliederung


Our 3-month professional education and training course gives survivors practical tools and training so that they can enter the Israeli workforce with confidence. Topics include: 

  • Resume Writing & Interview Preparation

  • Job Search Workshops

  • Professional Styling

  • Self-care 

  • And more…

Job Placement & Mentorship: 21 Month

individuelle Berufsberatung und Betreuung

Job placement

With new skills in hand, we help survivors find job roles so that they can earn a living they are proud of.

Once the placement is made, we offer ongoing employment support for both the employer and the employee to ensure success for everyone involved.

Two people studying with a laptop


Mentorship is vital in the recovery process of survivors. That's why our program includes 24 months of continuous occupational and psychological support—from the beginning of the course, extending through job placement, and beyond.

Patenschaft abschliessen


You can be the difference for a survivor

Your donation is the key that unlocks a survivor's potential and opens the door to a new life full of opportunity.

Overcoming Challenges Together

«In the process of recruitment, training to job placement and accompaniment, there are countless hurdles to overcome. Not only for the individuals themselves, but also for us, our team, and professionals. In addition to the day-to-day business activities, emergency or night operations are not rare. Flexibility and improvisation are a given.

But the small and big moments of success give us wings! Watching an employee in the classroom or passionately teaching our participants Word and Excel is a joy to behold. And after class when we prepare a fresh, hot meal together there is a warm feeling of belonging and you can taste the sweet hope of a brighter future.»

Social Worker Team Hope Center, Tel Aviv



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Logo Welfare Ministries of Israel
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